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With the third national lockdown in full swing and schools closed once again, chances are you’re feeling a little overwhelmed and are praying for the day this will all be over. Your childcare options may be up in the air and your work loads not getting any smaller. Never fear, Real Nannies are still here and hiring one of our nannies during COVID-19 could just be the best decision you’ve ever made. You might be feeling a bit apprehensive at the thought of letting someone new into your home at this time, but with the right precautions, the government has advised it’s safe to do so. At Real Nannies we are continuing to recruit nannies from the safety of our own homes and are conducting interviews via video conferencing calls following the government guidelines which are found here.
Whilst the government states that nannies are still allowed to work throughout the national lockdown and all of the tier systems, minimising the spread of the virus and keeping everyone safe is our main priority. All of our nannies are well aware of the precautions they need to take to ensure everyone is kept as safe as possible and are advised to always keep a watchful eye on the NHS guidelines.
So how exactly can a nanny safely work from my home?
Well, there are a number of things everyone can be doing each day to prevent the spread of the virus. Open communication with your nanny is a must from the beginning of their position. At this time, it’s extremely important to discuss how you can work as a team to keep everyone safe. Rest assured, all of our nannies will;
· Wash their hands regularly for twenty seconds and encourage the children to do so too, especially when they come back from being outside.
· Clean toys more regularly.
· Keep the house ventilated where possible, opening windows and doors to the outside and keeping internal doors open too.
· Be outside as often as possible.
· Encourage more thorough hygiene with the children.
But how will my nanny safely get to work?
Our nannies will avoid using public transport to get to work as best they can. We try our best to match nannies local to you which enables our nannies to cycle, walk or sometimes even drive where possible. For nannies who live slightly further afield and have no choice but to get public transport, a mask is mandatory alongside antibacterial hand gel and a thoroughly washing their hands with soap when arriving at work.
What happens if someone in my household or my nanny has symptoms?
Following the government and NHS guidelines above, if anyone in your household has any symptoms at any point you must inform your nanny and then self-isolate and your nanny won’t be able to come into work. If your nanny has symptoms, they too must self-isolate.
The Real Nannies team are always on hand to answer any questions you may have. Get in touch at anytime and we will be happy to help.